On the future of the Guildhall

I am pleased to hear Cllr Ian Carr has finally admitted that Prezzo’s delays in moving into the Guildhall are unacceptable. It is, however, a pity he chose to do this through the media rather than at a council meeting so that Andover’s elected representatives could quiz him on it.

Prezzo have had over two years in which to finalise their plans. During this time Test Valley has spent more than £200,000 on alternative arrangements for previous users of the building.

Cllr Carr is quite right to ask Prezzo to sign up or go away. The delays and the subsequent costs to Andover taxpayers can no longer be tolerated. He is wrong, however, to argue that a return to community use is not an option. He is also exceeding his authority by insisting that only another restaurant can be considered. The borough council’s resolution was to let the Guildhall to Prezzo. If Prezzo pull out the council must reconvene its member panel to consider all alternative options. To do otherwise would be irresponsible.

Far more irresponsible are the calls that the Guildhall should now be handed over to STAG or the new Andover parish council. STAG’s plans were one of a number of options previously considered by councillors and they were not acceptable. Sarah Evans has no authority to speak for a yet-to-be elected council or other group on this matter and should not do so.

Council records indicate that the upkeep of the Guildhall could cost tax payers up to £70,000 per year. No parish council or community group can accept that level of expenditure without a proper business plan. I believe such a plan could be formulated if Prezzo pull out. I hope to see one. I don’t see it coming, unfortunately, from either Cllr Carr or Ms Evans.

It is time for Prezzo to sign up or walk away. If they walk away I will be asking for a full explanation for the wasted two years and £200,000. I will also insist on a full review of all options for the Guildhall including a properly costed community use.

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